SSM Eco Stove – The Call of the Times

Mar. 25, 2024

SSM Eco Stove – The Call of the Times


In the 21st century, environmental protection has become a global concern. The recently concluded COP28 highlighted that a global temperature rise of 1.5°C will have even greater significance for humanity in the future. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, various eco-friendly products and concepts have emerged. Stoves, as an essential kitchen appliance, play an indispensable role in thousands of households, and the upgrading of stoves has also become part of the environmental protection discussion. Traditional stoves in rural and low-income households, it is simple in design, inefficient in combustion, and built using only simple mud. Eco stove, using the new design, with the scientific combustion technology, and the production materials is recycle. Eco stoves not only meet people’s pursuit of a healthy lifestyle but are also an inevitable product of the times.


Taking a look at the differences between the two cooking methods in terms of emissions, resource consumption, air quality, health impacts, and overall sustainability.


SSM Eco Stove – The Call of the Times

Traditional Cookstove


Inefficient combustion, high-input fuel: Almost 240 million people still use traditional stoves, because of inefficient combustion, high-input fuel reduces 13.7 million hectares of forest each year.


High carbon emissions: Traditional cook stoves contribute to 25% of global black carbon emissions and 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions. according to data from the World Health Organization.


Air pollution: Indoor air pollution from solid combustion accounts for an estimated 4.2 million deaths each year, 99.9% of which occur in low - and middle-income countries.

Health impact: Pneumonia kills 1.5 million people, and that's only the number of children under 5 who die from air pollution.

SSM Eco Stove – The Call of the Times

SSM Eco Improved Cookstove


Efficient combustion: The thermal efficiency of Eco stoves has been able to reach 40-55%, compared with the efficiency of 10-20% traditional stoves, which has led to an impact on energy conservation and emission reduction.

Reduced emissions of harmful substances: Compared with traditional stoves, Eco stoves reduce black carbon emissions by 90%.

Energy saving: Data show that environmentally friendly stoves can reduce fuel consumption by 40-60%, reducing the consumption of fuel in cooking, which is very good for the protection of deep forest wood.


Improve indoor air quality: A 2023 study published in the journal “Environmental Science and Technology” found that improved stoves reduced indoor air pollution by 78%.


The design concept of Eco stoves originates from respect for the environment and a commitment to health. The scientific design of modern improved stove has greatly performance in the thermal efficiency, made the fuel burn more fully, the amount of fuel is lower, and the pollutants in the air after combustion are also less than the traditional stove emissions. The model P-18 pellet Stove from SSM Eco Stove takes advantage of natural draft and achieves a thermal efficiency of nearly 80%, which is a technological innovation in terms of energy saving and efficiency. The fuel used in Eco stoves includes biomass pellet, wood, charcoal, etc., The manufacturing process of improved stoves also minimizes the impact on the environment, using recyclable materials and reducing energy consumption and waste production during production. The new model S26-11E stove of SSM Eco Stove has a thermal efficiency of more than 50%, and saves 70% of fuel annually. In addition, all the materials of the stoves are recyclable, which is fully in line with the significance of Eco Stove.

The emergence of Eco stoves is not only a technological advancement but also a shift in lifestyle. It reminds us that we should not neglect the importance of environmental protection even in our busy lives. We should support environmental products with concrete actions, let the concept of environmental protection take root in people’s hearts, and jointly create a green, healthy, and sustainable future. In summary, Eco stoves are the product of the times, meeting the contemporary society’s demand for environmental protection and people’s longing for a healthy life. Let us respond to the call of the times, embrace Eco stoves, and contribute our own strength to the sustainable development of the Earth.