
Biomass Pellet Cookstove for Home - SSM Eco Stove F-28

We're pleased to introduce our new and improved F-28 fan stove model. This refreshed version of the trusted F-18 has been painstakingly reimagined by our dedicated SSM engineering team over a substantial span of time for enhanced aesthetics and performance.

Compared to its predecessor, the F-28 offers superior durability due to its reinforced materials and sleeker overall profile. The stainless steel and cast iron composition of the stovetop ensures against any compromise in quality or performance while delivering a significant reduction in unit weight. Furthermore, the sturdier foldaway handle adds more mobility and lessens storage concerns. 

An additional feat of this model lies within its uniquely adjustable triple-speed fan that gives you greater control over your cooking experience and fire intensity. In essence, the F-28 is not just a stove but a robust and versatile companion for all culinary endeavors.



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